— Before I photographed flying dragonflies, the workshop I attended last weekend had our group photograph bees in flight. Here are two shots I made among several others.
We were in a large field of wildflowers, and it seemed that the White Prickly Poppies were the bees’ favorites. I must admit that photographing bees in flight is a lot easier than dragonflies. This macrophotography workshop was very entertaining and educational. We were able to quietly observe the habits of these pollinators in order to optimize our chances of getting them in flight. The wildflower fields at our disposal were amazing and with a large variety of wildflowers. If you look carefully, the shot below shows a lot of pollen on the petals of the White Prickly Poppy. In both shots here you can also clearly see the pollen basket (also known as corbicula) in the hind legs of these bees. The bees carry pollen in those baskets back to their nests or hives. Watching these bees pollinating was a real treat.

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Anonymously Hal
Beautiful shots!
Egídio Leitão
Thank you, Hal. I appreciated the feedback (and subscription).
Anonymously Hal
You’re welcome!!