— Doeskin Ranch is an area inside the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, in northwest Austin. The area was set up to protect primarily two endangered species: the golden-cheeked warbler and the black-capped vireo. Those endangered songbirds rely on specialized habitats for a living. Balcones Canyonlands NWR provides that necessary habitat. According to its website,
The refuge harbors 245 bird species for part or all of the year. Almost half are neotropical migratory birds that breed in the U.S. and winter south of the border. Because of its importance to birds, this refuge has been identified as being significant for world bird conservation and officially designated a Globally Important Bird Area.
Balcones Canyonlands NWR was established in 1992 and covers 27,500 acres. In spite of it being a protected habitat for those birds, the public can hike and explore various parts of the refuge, such as Doeskin Ranch. You can hike that area (about 4.7 miles) or just stay close to the parking lot and stream. The shot featured here was taken precisely four years ago, but I have also been there in the spring and early fall. It’s a great place to hike and generally not crowded at all if you go past the stream and parking area.
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