Find Your Zen: Connecting with Nature

Lens-Artists Challenge #303 – Connections

Into the Woods

For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Donna (of Wind Kisses) proposed a fascinating topic: Connections. In one section of her post, she wrote:

Have you ever thought about how photography connects the world? Nobody sees the world exactly the same way you see it, and our impressions are as unique we are.

What a thoughtful statement! It immediately made me think about my photography journey and how I connect with people and the world around me. Photography has opened up a world of possibilities for me. Besides connecting with people, photography takes me back to my roots and reconnects me with nature. Nature calms me, nature nurtures me, and nature inspires me. Therefore, my post will be dedicated to that one connection source: nature. I will show a handful of photos with nature connections, whether I am connecting with nature or wildlife in natural connections. The photos will speak for themselves. Click on any image for its larger size. Although each photo shows wildlife connections, I also felt like including a misconnection with a Blue Jay puzzled over the metal birds on the feeder.

“Now you’re on your own. Only me beside you.
Still, you’re not alone. No one is alone.
Truly. No one is alone.”
[“No One Is Alone,” by Stephen Sondheim]

Last week, John (of Journeys with Johnbo) brought the AI topic to Lens-Artists’ challenges. The varied responses we got were amazing. We were all unified that we may use AI tools in our edits, but AI art is not what we attempt to do on our blogs.

I am looking forward to seeing how you create your connections this week. I can hardly wait for your posts. Be sure to check Donna’s post for more information and inspiration, and don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when responding to it so we can easily find it in the Reader.

Next week, Ritva (of Ritva Sillanmäki Photography) will be our host. Are you ready to be challenged by Ritva’s unique and captivating photography? Check her blog on Saturday at 12 noon (EDT in the USA). Please see this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

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55 Responses

  1. SoyBend
    | Reply

    Love the colorful parrots and the goldfiches, Egidio. We frequently have lesser goldfinches in our yard and I call them “golden nuggets.”

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Siobhan, what a beautiful name you give them. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Rupali
    | Reply

    Your photos are phenomenal, Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Your kind words are appreciated. Thank you.

  3. Leya
    | Reply

    This is such a beautiful post, Egidio. Nature is everything to me – and I guess we feel much the same for saving it, restoring it, loving it. Without nature we are nothing, and we will die with it. Your beautiful photography and your engaging thoughts shine and lighten our way. No favourites – this is a perfect post.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Ann-Christine, your words brightened my day. Thanks for the on-going support and compliment. You said it best here: “without nature we are nothing.” Precious words indeed. Many thanks!

  4. Sylvia Bacon
    | Reply

    Egidio, your wildlife pictures are awesome, each one tells such a lovely story. Thank you for sharing your connection with wildlife and nature, I love seeing them all!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sylvia, thanks for taking time to write and share your thoughts. I appreciate that.

  5. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    An original and beautiful approach to the challenge this week Egídio. I agree, as photographers our connection with nature is very strong. It’s noticing and paying attention to the little things – like your wonderful image of the birds at the feeder, or the 2 face-to-face lizards. Beautiful and thoughtful response!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Tina, many thanks for your kind words and praises. I hope you’re enjoying your trip.

  6. Amy
    | Reply

    Beautiful photo and thoughts, Egidio! Love your response through nature. 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Amy. I appreciate your compliment.

  7. pattimoed
    | Reply

    What a gorgeous set of photos, Egidio. Nature is definitely your muse! Beautiful.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Patti. Yes, nature is the drive for my inspiration.

  8. Marie A Bailey
    | Reply

    Your photos are so beautiful, and I just love all these examples in nature of connections, especially the birds feeding each other. My husband and I always delight in seeing the birds at our feeders doing this, either as mates or parents to fledglings.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Marie. I love sitting at my dining room table and watching the birds at the feeder.

  9. Kathleen Jennette
    | Reply

    I think your photos have been an inspiration to many with your connection to nature. They are beautiful. Thoughts on AI from myself: I like the challenge of creating in-camera, but that is a personal choice. I use LR and PS when feeling a need for it-we have it lets use it. In a way, that isn’t any different from small edits that AI gives out, or for that matter a camera can give out. But I feel that the desire of knowing how to actually shoot a photograph may go wayside with AI. Photography is a skill and honestly AI isn’t, but it is attractive to the eye and can have it uses. I think that connection is here to stay but i do prefer the going out and take a shot a life instead.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Kathleen, your words brighten my day. Many thanks. I also appreciate your thoughts on AI (probably about my other post). Your point about AI not being a skill is right on target. Thanks again.

      • Kathleen Jennette
        | Reply

        🙂 and just to say, pardon my typos. I’m on the ocean and my phone is my only typewriter. I’m better at my desk🙃

        • Egidio Leitao
          | Reply

          I feel your pain. I don’t like typing on phone keyboards. Enjoy your trip!

  10. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    We can feel how strong your connection with nature is, Egídio. It shows in every shot, your caring and sensitive eye. I love all your photos this week, impossible to pick one!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sofia, it takes one to know another. I appreciate your feedback, especially knowing how much you also care about nature.

  11. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    Fabulous images of nature and your wonderful connection to it as a photographer, Egidio! Love all the bird pics, and I see the puzzled expression on the blue jay’s face 🙂 I Love the goldfinches around the birdbath and the forest path that connects us all to nature!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Terri, your words bring me much joy. Thanks for your compliment and feedback.

  12. I. J. Khanewala
    | Reply

    Wonderful photos of nature. I was captured by that photo of the two lizards face to face.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I.J., I’m glad you liked the photos and post. Thank you.

  13. Teresa
    | Reply

    Beautiful images Edigio, such a great feeling to be connected with nature.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Teresa, thank you very much for your feedback. I appreciate that.

  14. photobyjohnbo
    | Reply

    Egidio, I’d not noticed your skill at bird photography. Very nice, and connecting with nature is truly on point for this week’s connections theme.

  15. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Beautiful images Egidio, I especially love the way you captured the feeding birds 😊

  16. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    Wonderful photos and tribute to your connection with nature Egidio! Like you, I aim to celebrate our connection to nature.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Brad. I look forward to your photos.

  17. PR
    | Reply

    Beautiful nature scenes Egidio 🙂. The conference at the bird-bath is so similar to us humans 😀..

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      PR, I agree with your about the bird conference. It mimics us. Thank you for your comment.

  18. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    What a lovely collection of images of wildlife connecting! I especially liked the little birds around the bird bath and the butterflies 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Sarah. I am happy you liked the photos.

  19. margaret21
    | Reply

    Such a clever and delighful post. I love how you connect with Nature, and every creature you show here does its own connecting too.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Margaret, I am happy that you liked that. Thank you.

  20. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    Great connection Egidio, I loved it. Nature connects us all in some way. Beautiful.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Your words are so true. Thank you, Leanne.

  21. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Bellissime foto di uccelli! La fotografia, come tutte le arti, crea connessioni. È vero.

  22. Anonymous
    | Reply

    Great response Egidio. Love all the bird pairs. 👏

  23. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Great response Egidio! I was thinking the same thing. Photography has connected me in great many ways. I’ll talk about it in my post, hopefully tomorrow.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Anne. I’ll be looking forward to your post.

  24. Wow!
    Such lovely examples!
    You are right.
    Photography beautifully captures unique perspectives and connections.
    Your nature-inspired journey is inspiring, showcasing how wildlife and nature calm, nurture, and inspire us.

  25. Wind Kisses
    | Reply

    You are right, Egidio. These photos speak for themselves. I think that IS what nature does, allows us to realize the connections we have and reflect in it. Your title was right on. Finding your zen. I smiled at the blue jay, and loved the blue winged birds at the feeder as well as the butterflies. My favorite is your feature. Those trails are exactly what calls to my zen. Thank you. wonderful!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Donna, the feature photo was a last-minute addition. I thought it’d be like an invitation to go into the woods and connect with nature. Thank you for your feedback and on-going support.

  26. nesfelicio
    | Reply

    I can feel the zen in these images. You are truly connected.

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