— Some time last fall I posted a couple of shots taken at Gorman Falls in Colorado Bend SP. With the heavy rains we had through the Austin and Hill Country areas, I can only imagine how beautiful those falls would look like today. So, I went back to my photos from December 2018, when I last visited those falls, and looked for other shots. People who understand photography tell me that a key element in photography is light. I am not one to wake up at the crack of dawn to get the best light for a photo shoot. I simply try to make the best of any given situation. What is interesting about these two shots here and those previous shots is that slight change in lighting condition created a whole different mood for the photos. While in the shot above there is more light coming from the top left of the falls, the bottom photo had more shaded areas not getting all the sun that is hitting the trees on the left-hand side of the photo. Both shots were taken at about the same time.

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