Blue Lapis Light

Blue Lapis Light

— This week we attended Luminations at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It was our first time at that event. We were not quite sure what we would see and how long we’d stay. We’d read an event description at the Center’s web site, and that was all we knew about it. None of our friends had been there either. We got there and were impressed right from the start. There were luminarias lighting the paths all around the place. I could only guess that the number was in the housands most likely.There were live music performances in some areas of the ground, but the lights were indeed the focus of attention. Everything was lit up and created and mystical atmosphere. However, our biggest surprise came at the end of the night with the dance performance of Blue Lapis Light’s “Oneness of Being.” Wow! This was indeed a fantastical close to the night. The performers were dancing suspended by ropes from the columns outside the main auditorium. The lighting and movements were precise and mesmerizing, and so was the music. We were truly entranced.

Blue Lapis Light

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