Cabin 56 Sunset

Lake Bastrop— Some friends and I frequently enjoy spending time at Lake Bastrop South Shore Park. It should not be confused with nearby Bastrop State Park. Lake Bastrop offers camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, fishing and also has mini cabins for rental. Some cabins are waterfront. Whenever we pick a cabin weekend, we often try to reserve cabin 56. It’s the last cabin on the waterfront side and has a beautiful setting, not to mention some privacy. We enjoy sitting by the lake and watching the birds and ducks when we’re not mountain biking, hiking or playing dominoes. At the end of the day, before supper, sunsets can be quite unpredictably amazing. This particular sunset caught my eyes because of the fiery scene it created contrasted with that line across the sky. It was the perfect end on a January afternoon.

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