Texas Treasures: The Seductive Firewheel Wildflower

“Flowers…are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities in the world.”Ralph Waldo Emerson One of the beautiful things about springtime in Texas is the parade of colors we find along back roads and highways. When … Read More

Daring to Be Different

— Spring is in full swing in Austin, Texas. Yesterday, I joined a couple of photographers on a short walk at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I had not been there in two weeks. What a difference it was! … Read More

Happy World Wildlife Day!

— In case you did not know, March 3 is the United Nations World Wildlife Day. This is the day we celebrate wild animals and plants and their unique roles. This year’s theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital … Read More

Have You Seen a Henbit Deadnettle?

— On Thursdays, I have been volunteering at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. The photo above was the last photo on my card yesterday. To see a white Henbit Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) was a first for nearly … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

Have you ever thought about your images’ impact on viewers based on your photos’ color schemes? If you search online for color psychology, you will find several articles and studies on the subject. For this week’s challenge, I invite you … Read More

Red Admiral

The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle’s flame.The first one went closer and said: I know about love.The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said:I know how love’s … Read More

Painted Lady

— In September 2021, we spent a few days in the Ruidoso, New Mexico, area. Besides hiking around the area, we also did some sightseeing in other places. On the day we went to White Sands NP, we noticed a … Read More

Brazil Flowers

— As the year 2023 is about to close, I looked at the photos I captured this year and tried very hard to pick a few that I had somehow overlooked to post whenever I published a new article. We … Read More

Leavenworth’s Eryngo

— The first time I saw a Leavenworth’s Eryngo flower (also known as sea holly) I was walking along the San Gabriel River in Georgetown, Texas, just about 30 minutes north of Austin. The bright purple colors caught my eye … Read More

Tulips and Magnolias

— When Denzil Nature came up with the challenge for Tulips and Magnolias, I did not know how much I was going to learn about those two flowers. At first, I thought they might be related. After some quick online … Read More

The Other Side of Nowhere

— Empty spaces can hold various symbolic meanings depending on the context. They often represent a sense of void, potential, or possibility. In art and design, for example, empty spaces are sometimes used strategically to create balance, emphasize certain elements, … Read More

Yellow’s Positive Energy

— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

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