Shelling Out for a Cause: It’s World Turtle Day!

May 23 celebrates (or “shellebrates“) World Turtle Day. According to the World Turtle Day website, the “day was created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world.” The … Read More

Butterflies: Exquisite, Fragile, Ephemeral

Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate Ann-Christine brought us a tremendous challenge this week, and what a celebration it is to mark 300 Lens-Artists Challenges! She invited us to think about the word delicate’s meanings: “Exquisite, Fragile, Subtle, Elegant.” One thing … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air

Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

Feathered Fiesta: Cedar Waxwings Throw a Birdbath Party

This week, I. J. Khanewala’s Bird of the Week invitation reminded me of Cedar Waxwing birds found in Texas. Although Small Pratincoles (Glareola lactea) and Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) are not related, I saw some resemblance, particularly in the feather … Read More

Saving the Monarchs: What You Can Do to Help This Endangered Species

The first Saturday in May marks National Start Seeing Monarchs Day. Let’s celebrate the day and attempt to help save this endangered species. First, though, let me give you the story behind the photo. I had gone to Berry Springs … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to My Eyes

You have likely heard or used the saying, “It’s music to my ears.” The situations vary and can encompass cases when someone compliments or gives you good news. Going beyond that saying, do you believe you can “see” music in … Read More

Floral Friday Frenzy: Celebrating Blooms & Pollinators!

I have been taking more time to bike with this mild spring weather. As always, I bring my camera with me in my backpack. One never knows what one will see. This week was no exception for surprises. I spotted … Read More

Lamar Valley: A Valley of Enchanting Vistas

Even in the summertime, Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park is where you can find peace, hike with pronghorn deer close to you, see elk and bison herds, and may even encounter a black or grizzly bear. When we first … Read More

Deceptive Name and Secret Weapon

In a previous post, I outlined the differences between Mourning Doves and Inca Doves. Today, I want to offer more details about this lovely bird. Their name, Inca Dove (Columbina Inca), is deceptive because the species does not live in … Read More

Happy World Wildlife Day!

— In case you did not know, March 3 is the United Nations World Wildlife Day. This is the day we celebrate wild animals and plants and their unique roles. This year’s theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital … Read More

Is it a Mourning Dove or an Inca Dove?

Yesterday, I noticed a couple of birds sitting quietly in the bird bath. At first, I thought they were baby mourning doves. When I photographed them and looked at the image I captured, I knew I had a different kind … Read More

Would you Like to Have Breakfast with Me?

— Since the Fall of 2023, I have started volunteering at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. I joined the Fauna Project at the Center. That project began in March 2010 to create an inventory of non-human … Read More

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