Mexican Blue Jay

— When visiting Big Bend National Park, one can be assured to see unforgettable landscapes and some wildlife. Black bears, for example, have made a great comeback to the area. In our last trip to the park in September 2018, … Read More

Red-Tailed Hawk

— I have seen wildlife in my bike rides quite often, but they are often common birds, deer, turtles and snakes. A couple of days ago, I didn’t even have to be on my bike or outside to see this … Read More

St. Francis and the Cardinal

— The simple beauty of a cardinal in our backyard taking a break on St. Francis’ statue was a peaceful moment I was able to capture just moments ago. Is it nature imitating art or the other way around? If you’re … Read More

Amazon Adventures

— When we went to Brazil for Christmas 2014, we spent a few days in the Amazon. Besides visiting Manaus, e.g., the Opera House, also known as Teatro Amazonas, we had a special day navigating the Amazon River and some … Read More

Stranger Things

— While looking through some old photos taken at The University of Texas Memorial Museum some six years ago, I ran across an Edaphosaurus found in Archer County, Texas. This particular animal lived in the late Carboniferous to early Permian … Read More

Monday Blues

— Sometimes a weekend is just not enough to recover from busy weekends — that is what comes to mind when I look at this elk. As we approached the entrance to the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park, … Read More

Last Flight

— Every year we try to make a trip to the coast to get our fill of relaxation by the ocean. We try to avoid the summer crowds by going in early October. The beaches and restaurants are definitely less … Read More

American Bison

— On April 26, 2016, the House voted unanimously to make the bison the national mammal of the United States. The American Bison now joins the bald eagle, the nation’s official bird. The bison (or buffalo) has a tremendous significance … Read More

Yellowstone Elk

— Elk at Yellowstone National Park are frequently seen at Gibbon Meadows, Elk Park, and Lamar Valley during the summer months. From a safe distance (with zoom lenses), we observed a small herd in the summer of 2009. During the … Read More


Come Fly With Me — An early morning walk on the beach in Port Aransas, Texas, gave me a view of seagulls interacting with one another as the sun was rising. There was a large group in this area, when … Read More

American Oystercatcher

— When you have a beach nearly all to yourself, there is nothing better than sitting back and enjoying nature and its surroundings. That is precisely what we were doing recently in Port Aransas, Texas. We used to go there every … Read More

Hiking along with Pronghorn Deer

— On our visit to Yellowstone National Park, there were several unforgettable moments. The first bison jam, the black bear trying to cross the road, Old Faithful, the Grand Prismatic Spring, the Lower and Upper Falls, and so on. It … Read More

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