Inks Lake Sunset

Inks Lake

— One of the advantages of being retired is the ability to get up and go at a moment’s notice with very little planning or no planning at all. This winter of 2020, I have been doing exactly that. Not knowing when the weather will be cooperative, I have to be flexible at all times. So, whenever I see a window of opportunity for a couple of great weather days, I jump at that chance. I did that a few weeks ago, when I spent two gorgeous days at Lake Bastrop South Shore park. This time I had been wanting to go to Inks Lake SP because I knew this year the LCRA had lowered the lake water level to allow residents along the lake shore to do maintenance work on their boat docks and such. I was rewarded with great weather, as expected, and a magnificent sunset. After hiking all day, my friend and I had an early dinner and were back at the park in time to capture great sunset colors. The photo above was taken by the mini-cabin section of the lake. Every minute that passed by, the colors were changing to display more beauty than in the previous minute. Below I also add a completely unedited short video to give a sense of the tranquility we were experiencing. You may need to turn up the volume to hear the geese on the lake.

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