Yellow’s Positive Energy
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— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

Asymmetry Everywhere
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— After last week’s Lens-Artists‘ challenge on symmetry, this week the challenge was asymmetry in photography. Donna’s challenge was beautifully proposed in an eye-catching gallery illustrating good examples of asymmetry. Asymmetrical balance in photography is easier found than one would … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #267 – Recharge
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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.Albert Einstein Before retiring, whenever pressure and stress were building at work, I used to tell my boss that I needed to recharge my batteries. He knew that a few … Read More

Passage of Time
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— Clocks and calendars are two of many ways of keeping track of time. Similarly, photography can also capture time, even if just a moment in time. It may not be a continuous depiction of time, but nevertheless, a photo … Read More

Texas Red Yucca
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— A few years ago, we decided to do a major change in our yard. Instead of grass, we began replacing that with native plants. One of the plants we added to our front yard was the Texas Red Yucca. … Read More

Pollinator Week
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— Is this bee taking a nap or is it totally inebriated with pollen? The third week of June celebrates Pollinator Week. It is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It is a time to celebrate … Read More

White-Mouth Dayflower & Evening Primrose
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— A couple of weeks ago, while on a photo walk with a couple of friends, we spent a couple of hours at Berry Springs Park and Preserve, in Georgetown, Texas, just a few miles north of Austin. I must … Read More

White Prickly Poppy
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— White prickly poppy, also known as Argemone albiflora, is a beautiful flowering plant native to North America. It can be found growing in a variety of habitats, including fields, meadows, and roadsides. During the month of May, here in … Read More

Early Spring Pollinators
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— Spring 2023 is off to an excellent start for wildflowers and pollinators. The weather has been varying quite a bit since the beginning of the year. As a result of that, and unseasonably warm winter temperatures, many wildflowers began … Read More

In Our Backyard
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— I recently mentioned in a previous post about our backyard landscaping project. We are still adding more plants to attract pollinators. However, with some of the already established plants, the activity I see now has increased daily. There are … Read More

Gulf Fritillary
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— A long time in the making, our backyard landscaping project is nearly complete. The first delay was back in February 2021 because of the week-long extreme cold weather that hit Texas. After that, we then had to wait until … Read More

Common Spotted Whiptail
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— As many times as I have visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, I often run into this tiny and fast lizard on the ground. The Center is known for its wildflowers and pollinators mostly. However, … Read More

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