Sunset at Beira-Mar

— What does someone do when one lives on the coast? Well, if you live in Fortaleza (northeast coast of Brazil), watching a sunset is a must. Wouldn’t you do the same if you lived there? Fortaleza is known for … Read More

Machu Picchu Sunrise

— This was the scene before our eyes exactly five years ago in Peru. We were rushing through Machu Picchu around 7:30 AM. We had to do that in order to make it in time for our scheduled entrance to … Read More

Busy Bee

— As National Pollinator Week comes to a close, I decided to try one more capture. So, yesterday afternoon I went into our backyard to look for photo opportunities. One of the plants we have there is a magnet for … Read More

A Countryside Like No Other

— The current COVID-19 world pandemic caused us not enjoy this scenery again a couple of months ago. What you see above is the breathtaking countryside just outside Assisi, Italy. This is the Umbria region. I made this photo from … Read More

Pipevine Swallowtail

— June 22-28 is National Pollinator Week 2020. The health of pollinators is critical to our environment and ecosystems. You can see an assortment of pollinators here in these pages from bees to bugs and birds. Each one plays an … Read More

Laguna Lagunillas

— On our way from Arequipa to Puno, Peru, we passed by some beautiful terrain with lakes and mountains just outside Puno. Traveling at that time of the day could not have been more perfect. Because of that, we captured … Read More

When It Rains…

— Whenever I go road biking at the Northeast Metro Park, I always like to keep my eyes open for wildflowers and Gilleland Creek. I especially make it a point to bike in that area after heavy rains. True, at … Read More

At the End of the Day

— It has been several years that I have been to Enchanted Rock SNA. Every time I come across an old shot, such as the one here taken in 2015, I am reminded how beautiful that park is. Because of … Read More

Avenida Paulista

— São Paulo is a metropolis easily associated with superlatives. In terms of population, the latest estimates for São Paulo (or “Sampa,” as it is known to people in Brazil) is currently over 12 million inhabitants for the city proper … Read More


— In planning a few weeks in Peru, we knew from the start that we would not be able to see and experience the entire country. After careful consideration, we chose to visit the main attractions south of Lima, including … Read More

A View to a Kill

— Although not my first time exploring Big Bend Ranch SP scenery, the photo above was made during my actual first stay within park boundaries. This was back in 2009, and I spent nearly a week at the Bunkhouse near … Read More


— Whenever I have a chance to revisit Lake Bastrop South Shore park, I try to take a hike or bike ride along the Swift trail. The trail is short, shaded, and offers incredible views around the lake. The presence … Read More

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