White-Tailed Deer
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— I have seen deer in several of my hikes and bike rides, but it is generally early in the morning or early evening. Yesterday it was a first for me to see this beautiful white-tailed deer right in the … Read More

Prairie Verbena
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— In mid-April this year, I went hiking at the beautiful Doeskin Ranch area of the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. The area is just outside Austin city limits and offers a nice view of the Hill Country and good … Read More

Inverse Universe
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— From time to time I enjoy going hiking at St. Edwards Park here in Austin. There are plenty of trails around in various lengths. The Green and Red Loop, for example, is approximately 3 miles (4.8 km) and offers … Read More

Blue Plumbago
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— Blue Plumbago is one of those flowers that keep blooming even when we have extreme temperatures and dry conditions. This native plant loves heat and can be quite drought tolerant. Contrary to popular belief, Blue Plumbago is not a … Read More

Texas Sage
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— A perennial shrub common in Texas, the Texas Sage is known by many names, including Purple Sage, Silverleaf, Texas Ranger, and the most unusual name of Barometer Bush. That last name comes from the fact the bush often flowers … Read More

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— In 2008 we had an adventurous vacation in the beautiful country of El Salvador. With a native friend preparing the itinerary for us, we were blessed with a most perfect vacation. Everything worked out well without a glitch. One … Read More

Daisy Flower
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— It is no wonder that the Latin name for a daisy flower is Bellis perennis (pretty everlasting). With so many varieties, a daisy flower is generally called as common daisy, lawn daisy, or English daisy, for example. This particular … Read More

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