Early Spring Pollinators
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— Spring 2023 is off to an excellent start for wildflowers and pollinators. The weather has been varying quite a bit since the beginning of the year. As a result of that, and unseasonably warm winter temperatures, many wildflowers began … Read More

Late to the Party?
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— Yesterday I went on a photo walk with a friend of mine. We picked the Mayfield Park and Nature Preserve here in Austin, Texas. We figured if we couldn’t find any macro subjects to photograph, we would still have … Read More

Chinese Sacred Lily
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— Is it spring yet? Well, some flowers are thinking that way here in Austin, Texas. We have now had several days of unseasonably warm weather. To think we are having daytime highs in the 70s (20s in Celsius) and … Read More

Twisted Sisters
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— In one of the last assignments I had in my photography challenge group last year, we were asked to remain in one place for at least an hour and photograph whatever we could. The challenge was appropriately named “stuck … Read More

Fall’s Parting Glances
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— “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” Those are words by Chinese author Lin Yutang. Along those lines, there is also something very comfortable … Read More

First Signs
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— Just yesterday I went to Northeast Metropolitan Park to look for subjects for an assignment. Although the fall season has barely started in Austin, Texas, I couldn’t help noticing that some trees are already exhibiting quite a bit of … Read More

Green Anole Lizard
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–One of the joys of the changing weather is that I am able to spend more time outside. In the summertime, even in the mornings sometimes the heat and humidity are uncomfortable. Since the end of August, we have noticed … Read More

Kindness, Health, Wellness
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— I looked at my photo library and considered using one of the photos I have to match this week’s theme in the Nature Photographers Network group of which I am a member. However, I wanted to push myself a … Read More

Hummingbird Moth
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— I can now check another item off my bucket list when it comes to wildlife. In April this year, I went for a hike at the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, just 40 minutes from home in Austin, Texas. … Read More

Blue and Yellow
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— With the turmoil the world is experiencing, it becomes very difficult not to be reminded every minute of the pain many people are presently suffering in Ukraine. One way or another, our lives are impacted even if we live … Read More

Second Freeze
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— Another freeze has come and gone in Texas. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the first freeze of this year. This second freeze was much stronger, but it was nothing like the 2021 freeze. Nevertheless, we had three … Read More

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— As part of a photography class I am taking this year, students receive an assignment every week. Initially, the focus has been on composition. We have to use new photos only, the photos need to be shot on manual … Read More

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