Tulips and Magnolias
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— When Denzil Nature came up with the challenge for Tulips and Magnolias, I did not know how much I was going to learn about those two flowers. At first, I thought they might be related. After some quick online … Read More

Bon Appétit!
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— Have you ever taken the time to watch a Great Egret hunting? Well, let me warn you that you may end up not seeing any catch. Once I sat for about 30 minutes and never saw an egret catching … Read More

The Other Side of Nowhere
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— Empty spaces can hold various symbolic meanings depending on the context. They often represent a sense of void, potential, or possibility. In art and design, for example, empty spaces are sometimes used strategically to create balance, emphasize certain elements, … Read More

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— I became interested in photographing odonates back in the spring of 2021. José Madrigal, a master macro photographer, offered a workshop in his property in central Texas. I attended it and learned the settings to photograph bees and odonates … Read More

Filling the Frame
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— When I read about Anne’s latest Lens-Artists challenge last week, I wanted to find examples in my photo library that were not necessarily macro photos. Those who have been reading this blog for a while will remember how much … Read More

Asymmetry Everywhere
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— After last week’s Lens-Artists‘ challenge on symmetry, this week the challenge was asymmetry in photography. Donna’s challenge was beautifully proposed in an eye-catching gallery illustrating good examples of asymmetry. Asymmetrical balance in photography is easier found than one would … Read More

Why Symmetry?
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— There is always something very pleasing when a photograph displays balance in its composition. That is generally an element that, when present, can make a photo better. In this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia gave us several examples of symmetry … Read More

Deep Thoughts
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— I do not know about you, but whenever I am traveling, I often find myself reading and photographing signs on restaurant walls. Some of them can be clever, profound, and funny. Throughout the years, I have photographed many of … Read More

Contrasting Lines
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— Completed in 2004, the Austin City Hall building was designed by architect Antoine Predock. The building has several distinctive features, including a copper-clad roof, a glass-enclosed lobby, and sustainable materials used in its construction. One other feature, perhaps the … Read More

A Turning Point
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— When I look back at all the years I have been playing with photography, there are several meaningful photos that come to mind. However, if I were asked to pick the most impactful that touched me on a personal … Read More

Over the Moon
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— Right at the start I have to say that night and astrophotography are not areas that I devote much time to in my photography. Nevertheless, whenever there is a new full moon, I am often intrigued by it. So, … Read More

Orb Weavers
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— Just in time for Halloween, I bring you a few spiders I photographed around my yard, Huntsville State Park, and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I confess I am never very comfortable when I am making these macros. … Read More

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