Ponte dos Ingleses

Ponte dos Ingleses— Ponte dos Ingleses (Englishmen Bridge) is also known as Ponte Metálica (Metallic Bridge). It is located in Fortaleza, the capital of the Brazilian northeastern state of Ceará. The bridge began its construction in September 1921, and the name Englishmen Bridge was given because of the British company in charge of the project. The original project was to make this the city harbor and replace a metallic bridge near this location. It never became a harbor. In 1994, the state started a renovation project and turned the bridge to public use. It has now become a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike to appreciate beautiful sunsets. Another shot taken from the bridge and looking the opposite direction shows what sunsets can look like in Fortaleza. What I especially like about this angle is that one can see some of the sunset colors on the pier and the contrast with the blue hour colors. Oh, and there is also that crooked light post. 

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