Secret Garden

Booty's Road Park

— Whenever I bike, I don’t often have the privilege to enjoy the scenery in its entirety. However, my eyes are always scanning my surroundings. If something catches my attention, it is very likely I will return to the location on foot and explore it further. That is the case for the location I made the photos here. This is Booty’s Road Park, in Georgetown, just north of Austin, Texas. The park is located right by the San Gabriel River.

The photo above was made on a cloudy and drizzly day. Even though skies are not the best to photograph in those conditions, as long as you avoid pointing your camera to the skies, you can end up with captivating scenes. The colors are more vibrant, especially since there had been some drizzle in the area. You can see the trail color is a darker shade of orange. What attracted me to this particular location was the arch created by the trees on the foreground. It created a natural entry to this path.

On the other hand, for the photo below, the calm waters of the San Gabriel River set the scene for a nearly perfect reflection. A little bit of the sky was nicely reflected and showed some blue tones. Thanks to the water darkening effect, those blues were more noticeable than the actual sky above, which was basically gray.

San Gabriel River reflection

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