Sunrise Harmony

Sunrise over the Lincoln National Forest

— I normally do not make sunrise photos because I often miss those beautiful moments that precede a sunrise. On our last day in Ruidoso, New Mexico, I happened to get out of bed a bit earlier than usual. While moving around, I looked out the living room window in our condo and noticed the beautiful light outside. I immediately grabbed my camera and went out on the deck.

To my luck, the mountains behind our condo had blocked some of the sunlight and allowed me to capture a few shots as the Sun began to rise. It was really a remarkable moment for me. Being at the right place and time allowed me to see how the light was changing minute after minute. All I had to do was go from one end of the deck to the other. The cloud cover was also perfect, as it created various layers and color shades allowing some light in. The light created the palette you see in these photos. Of course, the foreground featured the beauty of the Lincoln National Forest.

Below you will see the other three photos I created at that time. In just a matter of two and a half minutes, the scene before my eyes changed quite a lot. The first shot is a straight shot showing the Sierra Blanca peak way on the horizon. The others are looking to my left and right at various angles and places on the deck.

Sunrise at the Lincoln National Forest
Sunrise at the Lincoln National Forest
Sunrise at the Lincoln National Forest

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