Shape, Form, Texture, and Light in Photography

Lens-Artists Challenge #289: Tools of Photo Composition Do you stop and think before you hit the shutter button in your camera? What drives you to capture an image? This week, John (Journeys with Johnbo) comes up with an exciting challenge … Read More

What is Your Favorite Window Shopping Experience?

Lens-Artists Challenge #288 – Window Shopping Do you enjoy window shopping? You may become an expert after you see Ritva’s Lens-Artists post. In that post, she says she likes to take “photos of creative window displays,” and she does not … Read More

How do You Capture Sound in a Photo?

Lens-Artists Challenge #287 – Sound “Let’s photograph Sound this week,” Donna proposed in the latest Lens-Artists challenge. A traditional photo, by itself, cannot directly show sounds. Photos capture a single moment in time. A photo preserves visual information, such as colors, shapes, … Read More

Dust Storms: An intriguing weather phenomenon

Lens-Artists Challenge #286: Weather I was unsure I could weather this week’s challenge that Anne posted. With English as a second language, I had to re-read her post carefully. I did not know whether we were discussing the same thing. … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

Have you ever thought about your images’ impact on viewers based on your photos’ color schemes? If you search online for color psychology, you will find several articles and studies on the subject. For this week’s challenge, I invite you … Read More

Destination: Brasília

Lens-Artists Challenge #284: Day & Night For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia suggests celebrating the “Yin/Yang of our everyday life” with day and night and “the beauty of each one of them.” I initially thought I would struggle with the … Read More

“The Mountains Are Calling”

Lens-Artists Challenge #283:Illustrate a Favorite Quote or Poem — This week, Ann-Christine poses a fascinating challenge. She asks us “to illustrate a favourite quote or poem.” The key is to give viewers an actual ”feel” of the poem or quote … Read More

Dramatic Underground

Lens-Artists Challenge #282: Dramatic For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Patti poses the question: what makes a photo dramatic? I thought that one place in the US defines dramatic for me: Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The caverns are dramatic in size, … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #281: Favorite Images of 2023

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, none of that was enough for the squirrel … Read More

Brazil Flowers

— As the year 2023 is about to close, I looked at the photos I captured this year and tried very hard to pick a few that I had somehow overlooked to post whenever I published a new article. We … Read More

Hobbiton Dreams

— Whenever I think of magical landscapes or dreamy locations, I do not have to go far to find one. At approximately 45 minutes from downtown Austin, Texas, and just within a mile of each other, visitors can immerse themselves … Read More

Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi

— To define unique here would be redundant or unnecessary. There are definitions in dictionaries, but for the most part, a lot of people have their personal definitions of uniqueness. For some people, unique means something one of a kind … Read More

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