Three Twisted Sisters

Twisted Sisters

— Texas is full of surprises. This week I spent a few days around the Lost Maples SNA as part of a December Christmas tradition I have with a couple of friends. We’ve been doing these December gatherings for a few years now. This time, in addition to the camaraderie we share, we also share our love for Texas and the outdoors. On our first full day in the area, we drove the Three Twisted Sisters highways. As long as I have lived in Texas, I had never heard of this until very recently. Texas has some epic drives — the River Road comes to mind, for example — and the Three Twisted Sisters is right up there. It is a loop of approximately 100 miles that includes Ranch Roads 336, 335, and 337. I listed them in that sequence because that was the direction we took (counter clockwise). We started in Leakey and drove north on RR 336, passing the town of Real and also Prade Ranch. When we reach Highway 41, we head west a few miles in order to reach RR 335. Then it’s a south drive passing by Hackberry, Vance, Barksdale, and Camp Wood. There you head east on RR 337 to Leakey. Incidentally, the drive from Leakey to Medina on RR 337 is extremely scenic, and you should add time to take it, too. The photo above was taken on RR 335, which parallels the Nueces River (as seen on the photo here).

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