Tree of Life

Tree of Life (Disney World, Florida)Disneyworld Tree of Life

– Disney World’s Tree of Life is a sculpted 14-story (145-foot tall), 50-foot wide tree. It is located in Disney’s Animal Kingdom park. One of the interesting facts about this tree is its more than 103,000 translucent, five-shades-of-green leaves that were individually placed and actually blow in the wind.


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0 Responses

  1. Aletta - nowathome
    | Reply

    It is just amazing!

  2. margaret21
    | Reply

    What an extraordinary creation! I assumed it was real till I read your text.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Margaret, when I captured that image, I was not aware it was a fake tree. After the fact, I read about it.

      • margaret21
        | Reply

        Well, if it fooled you ‘in the flesh’, I had no chance!

  3. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Beautiful Egidio. Even with 1.2 mg pixels. Just proves that it’s the photographer that counts and not the gear.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you kindly, Anne. I hope you’re getting well.

  4. solaner
    | Reply


  5. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Quanta creatività! 👌

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sì, tutto viene dalla mente della Disney.

  6. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    It looks real at first glance!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Brad, that was my take when we walked by that tree. Only later did I find out it was fake.

  7. Lovely edit effects!
    Thank you for sharing this knowledge about this tree .

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