— I have seen deer in several of my hikes and bike rides, but it is generally early in the morning or early evening. Yesterday it was a first for me to see this beautiful white-tailed deer right in the middle of the afternoon. It was nearly 3 PM when I spotted this one. It waited patiently for me to get a few shots of it before it moved on. After having hiked and swam at Lake Bastrop South Shore, I decided to go check out the short Fisherman Loop on the north side of the day-use area. As I was coming back, I spotted this deer. Frankly I didn’t know they were very active at that time of the day. Nevertheless, it was a nice sight to top off a fruitful day at the park. Besides hiking and swimming, I also spotted several butterflies, birds, and a roadrunner. Presently, this favorite park of mine is just barely 45 minutes from my house. It offers nice biking, hiking, swimming, and kayaking, and the loblollies are still present there, too. Also, at a time when social distancing is crucial, I have to say that the last two times I’ve been to the park, I was the only person using the trails all day. The day-use are had a few fisherman and families, but far from crowd at all.
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