Lens-Artists Challenge #281: Favorite Images of 2023
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If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, none of that was enough for the squirrel … Read More

Brazil Flowers
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— As the year 2023 is about to close, I looked at the photos I captured this year and tried very hard to pick a few that I had somehow overlooked to post whenever I published a new article. We … Read More

Leavenworth’s Eryngo
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— The first time I saw a Leavenworth’s Eryngo flower (also known as sea holly) I was walking along the San Gabriel River in Georgetown, Texas, just about 30 minutes north of Austin. The bright purple colors caught my eye … Read More

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— I became interested in photographing odonates back in the spring of 2021. José Madrigal, a master macro photographer, offered a workshop in his property in central Texas. I attended it and learned the settings to photograph bees and odonates … Read More

Yellow’s Positive Energy
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— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

On Display
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— While we were away in Colorado, there were heavy rains in Austin. That was just about the right time of the year to help with the upcoming fall Oxblood lilies. When we got back, the area near the steps … Read More

Passage of Time
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— Clocks and calendars are two of many ways of keeping track of time. Similarly, photography can also capture time, even if just a moment in time. It may not be a continuous depiction of time, but nevertheless, a photo … Read More

Texas Red Yucca
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— A few years ago, we decided to do a major change in our yard. Instead of grass, we began replacing that with native plants. One of the plants we added to our front yard was the Texas Red Yucca. … Read More

A Role to Play
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— Flies are often seen as pests, but they actually play an important role in the ecosystem. Among those roles, the one they most often associated with is that of a decomposer. They help to break down dead animals and … Read More

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— Simplicity in nature can be defined as the elegant beauty we see around us, even in the smallest of things. It is that kind of beauty that is unpretentious, uncluttered, and sometimes free of unnecessary complexity. As an example, … Read More

The Cycle of Life
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“Life’s picture is constantly undergoing change. The spirit beholds a new world every moment.“Rumi In one of life’s wonderful serendipitous moments, I was lucky to have been at the right place and the right time in two separate instances to … Read More

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— I first began experimenting with macro photography in late 2019. Testing the waters, I purchased some extension tubes. I fell in love with macro photography right away. I could not imagine the wonders I would discover because of it. … Read More

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