Bee-sy bee-sy
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— Before I photographed flying dragonflies, the workshop I attended last weekend had our group photograph bees in flight. Here are two shots I made among several others. We were in a large field of wildflowers, and it seemed that … Read More

Halberd-Leaved Rose-Mallow
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— You cannot miss these scarlet hibiscus flowers as you enter the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. There is a large bush right by the well in the center of the entrance next to the restrooms and gift shop. The … Read More

Busy Bee
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— As National Pollinator Week comes to a close, I decided to try one more capture. So, yesterday afternoon I went into our backyard to look for photo opportunities. One of the plants we have there is a magnet for … Read More

Pipevine Swallowtail
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— June 22-28 is National Pollinator Week 2020. The health of pollinators is critical to our environment and ecosystems. You can see an assortment of pollinators here in these pages from bees to bugs and birds. Each one plays an … Read More

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