Leavenworth’s Eryngo

— The first time I saw a Leavenworth’s Eryngo flower (also known as sea holly) I was walking along the San Gabriel River in Georgetown, Texas, just about 30 minutes north of Austin. The bright purple colors caught my eye … Read More


— For this week’s assignment in my photography challenge group, participants were asked to submit a photo using the high-key photography technique. In plain terms, high-key photography is one that exhibits little or no shadows and is mostly bright. The … Read More

Secret Garden

— Whenever I bike, I don’t often have the privilege to enjoy the scenery in its entirety. However, my eyes are always scanning my surroundings. If something catches my attention, it is very likely I will return to the location … Read More

San Gabriel River

A short and easy hike on the San Gabriel River trail section at Booty’s Road Park.… Read More